Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Melania's recycled dress!

This week we were looking at how do penguins keep warm. On Tuesday there was a visitor in the school called Fuzzy.  He told us about how to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
But in this blogpost we are talking about Melania's very nice dress.  So the dress was made by Melania's mom using paper and bubble wrap. Maja and Amani like this dress very much!!

On Esi week, we had met 2 visitors who told us about our enviroment. One from HP and the other called Mr Fuzzy. Mr Fuzzy told us about the illetration we make and how it effects albatrosas life. He also showed us a video about this lady who care so much about the enviroment and she was also picking up illeteration on the beach. She also found stuff in the beach like: Lighter, Toothbrushes and toothpicks and plastic toys that we throw away.The lady from HP told us that HP makes their products from recycled plastic and paper and they recycle their ink catridges. And also told us that she would give prizes to those who make the best poster. The prize is a free laptop and a printer for the school. she will also give away tickets to the Masdah city. Finally all the students will have to wear eco friendly costumes for the parade.

By Abdulrahman
Ive had an awesome ESI week and It's been so much fun!
With the maths investigation and the visitors!

ESI Week

Ryan is trying to stab me run!!!!!! We were dressed like this because it was ESI week and we had to make outfits with reycycled matierials. And we had some visitors coming to us to tell us keep the world healthy. Like Mr. Fuzzy, he told us to save the planets by the magic number 3. It means 1.Reduce 2.Reuse  3.Recycle and we put it in a song he made.
By Cole and Mackenzie.

ESI week in Year 5

  In ESI week we have been making recycled custumes. I also had fun by doing math investigations.We also had to find out the answer to miss Vig question and that question was which is warmer seals or penguins?                              from Rayan and Yousuf

This picture show how much work we had put on our recycled clothes.

This week it was ESI week, we had alot of fun. We had a maths investigation which was a bit hard. Than we got a question from Ms Vig who was in Antartica, the question was which was warmer a seal or a penguin. But we found out that none of them are warmer. It is because both seals and penguins have a fat undeneath their skin called "Blubber." We knew this because we did an experiment. We covered gone of our hand with vegetable shortening ( That will represent the blubber) and the other hand is without the vegetable shortening.Than we put our hands in the rubber gloves and we put our hands in the cold water for some minutes and we found out, that the hand with the vegetable shortening was much more warmer than the hand without it.

We met a visitors called Mr Fuzzy he was funny and he thought us a lot about the plastic bag and recycling. He aso thought us another word "REFUSE" we also danced with the moves. We also had another visitor from HP she thought us that we should bring all the finished printer catridge and put them in a box in the learning lounge.

We had alot of fun this week. ( Don't forget to bring the ink catridges.)
By Maram, Maja and Joanne