Tuesday, May 8, 2012

1938 Jan-June

 1938 February 4,

The War Ministry of Germany, Von Blomberg and Freiherr Von Fritsch is discharge. It is replace by the Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, or OKW) with Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel as its head and Von Ribbentrop Minister For Foreign Affairs.

1938 March 12,
Anschluss: Austria is annexed to the "Greater German Reich Groszdeutschland" ("Blumenkrieg"). On 15 March Hitler in Vienna.

Hittler in Vienna
Hittler in Vienna. Austria is to be considered a province of The Third Reich
1938 April 26,
Order to the declaration of all Jews fortunes above 5.000 Reichsmarken.
1938 May 20,
Czechoslovakia mobilizes its military.
Czechoslovakia' military
1938 June,
Chinese forces breach the dykes along the Yellow River to slow the Japan advancing forces. Over 1.000.000 Chinese peasants dies in the floods and fighting.
 Japan Military
Made By Maja, Gargi and Joanne

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