Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Charlotte-Kendra year 2000 olympic facts :D

Cathy freeman electrifies the home crowd with her win in the 400 meter dash

1988 Modern Olympics Timeline By Harry & Ryan!

 Canadian Ben Johnson blows away the field in the 100-meters dash.
But then disqualified for testing positive for a banned steroid.

393 AD

The olympics games are abolished.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

olympics in 1940 by andy and cole

In 1940 there was no Olympic games because the ww2 took  nearly all the men and women needed to work!It took 8 years then the Olympic games where back!

Monday, June 18, 2012

eggsalent by kendra ! :) ! :) ! :)

I injoyed the trip to wso because at the beginning of the day we got split into groups . So some people from wso and some people from rds were put together . Then the teachers from wso told us about the school . Next we went of in our little groups , First i went to the science room , and in there we did some eggsperiments like , making an egg jump , but an egg in coca , making an egg balance , stand on eggs , and put and egg into a jug that is smaller then the egg .

After all that we went to have lunch in the canteni , IT WAS THE BIGGEST !!! its was the size of our hall ! After that we got a tour around the school. ( it is the biggest school ever .) The next activaty was in class . We had an egg and we would have to make something that would keep it alive when we drop it from the atrium . Me and my group made an eggsalent one we made it so we would rap it in sellotape then bubble rap then paper the more sellotape , next we got string and attached it to the egg then the bag . we hat to pay wso maney to get all the stuff

Then all of the groups went of to the atrium to drop the eggs down . as soon as we droped the eggs we all went racing to see if they were alive or not . IT WAS SO COOL ! ours servived ! YES! It was so cool ours and eggciting .

Collaboration Day at WDSO

We just arrived at WDSO we got greeted really kindly and with pleasure by the principle. When we arrived at the reception it was huge. We went up the staircase and into their learning lounge.. We the WDSO students enter i saw some of my old friends i waved at them and they waved at me. We were splitted into 2 groups our groups first excercise was we were given 10 WDSO dirhams to spend on to make a object for a egg not crack when it falls. We were splitted into 4. I was with 2 of my old friends from RDS. After we finished we went down to their huge cafeterie and ate our snack. I sat with some of my old friends. After that they  showed us arpound the school the school is huge. our next exercise was to go to the science lab and test out some AWESOME experiments!!! It was EPIC!!!! Finally we dropped our eggs down the atrium. OURS SURVIVED!!! Unfortunately it was time to go we said one last goodbye to WDSO and off we went!!!

BY:zaid sater 5AM 

WDSO visit By try and guess yes HARRY!!!!

I enjoyed going to WDSO they called the thing that we did "Egg Olympics" it was where we did experiments on eggsssssssssssssss, The HeadMaster was called Mr Westlle 

our trip to wdso by edward

MONDAY 11 2012 WE WENT TO WDSO!. When we got there the princpal told use what activities a we going to do. We were splited in hall into 2 groups.It was the mix of  wdso and rds.Our first activity was in he lab studded about eggs.We learnt that eggs can jump, eggs can t through a thin whole ,is the egg really strong and can we balance the egg without holding.Than we went to the canteen to eat.After that my sceond activity was with Miss Macdonald , we were trying to keep the egg safe from crashing my groups idea was to make a parachut. I had a good time making this . Then   we  went to the atrium to drop our eggs .Our egg made it alive but some groups never made it alive. After that we needed to go. although we are different school and classes


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Rationing Facts

1.In rationing people had a specific amount of food so it was fair.

2. Sugar on the top of cakes was forbidden.

3.Only larger shops had freezers in 1943 for Ice Creams. The nearest thing was milk.

4.Younger children did not see there first banana until the war ended

by Charlotte ,Gargi ,Joanne ,Kendra


for children sweet rationing was annouing

mackenzie rocks=>

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

July - September 1939

  • 1 September 1939 - Germany invaded Poland

  • 3 September - Britain, Australia, New Zealand and France declare war on Germany

  • September 4, 1939 - Royal Air Force attacks the German Navy

  • September 5, 1939 - United States proclaims its neutrality

  • September 10, 1939 - Canada declares war on Germany

  • The Battle of the Atlantic begins

  • 1939 January -- June

    March 1939

    German troops enter Prague and complete the invasion of Czechoslovakia, ignoring the Munich Pact.

    June, 1939

    Britain declares that it will support Poland

    1939 to 1940 Expulsions of 121 765 Poles[3] from German occupied Pomerania. On Polish places 130 000 Volksdeutsche was settled including 57 000 Germans from East Europe countries: Soviet UnionBessarabiaRomania and the Baltic states. Deportation was a part of German "Lebensraum" policy ordered by German organisations like Hauptamt Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle and "Resettlement departament" of RKFDV.

    1938 Jan-June

     1938 February 4,

    The War Ministry of Germany, Von Blomberg and Freiherr Von Fritsch is discharge. It is replace by the Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, or OKW) with Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel as its head and Von Ribbentrop Minister For Foreign Affairs.

    1938 March 12,
    Anschluss: Austria is annexed to the "Greater German Reich Groszdeutschland" ("Blumenkrieg"). On 15 March Hitler in Vienna.

    Hittler in Vienna
    Hittler in Vienna. Austria is to be considered a province of The Third Reich
    1938 April 26,
    Order to the declaration of all Jews fortunes above 5.000 Reichsmarken.
    1938 May 20,
    Czechoslovakia mobilizes its military.
    Czechoslovakia' military
    1938 June,
    Chinese forces breach the dykes along the Yellow River to slow the Japan advancing forces. Over 1.000.000 Chinese peasants dies in the floods and fighting.
     Japan Military
    Made By Maja, Gargi and Joanne


    July 29, 1937: Japanese forces occupy Peiping.

    September 1937: Adolf Hitler said in a speech that Germany needed Lebensraum, living space; Germany is too small to guarantee a permanent food supply.

    December 1937: Japan invaded China after already taking over Manchuria  in 1932. Japan had a full scale invasion, and seized the capital, Nanking, and a lot of the coastlines.

    Deniz, Amani and Melania


    Italy invades and conquers Ethiopia.   
     In 1936 first test flight of the spitfire, a fighter designed by R.J
     Adolf Hitler makes a secret plan (fourth year plan for war) that they would transform the nations economy to prepare for war. This was announced (to only Germany) on October 21st at 4:00 am
    british start bilding anderson shelters.ed abdul mackenzie


    15 September 1935
    This was when the first Nuremburg laws were set saying that Jews were not allowed to do the things others could do which is really strict.

    8 January 1935
    Because Italy signed a Peace Treaty with Rome, France thought that it was giving time to develope itself against Adolf Hilter's agression.

    7 January 1935

    This was when Italy signed a Peace Treaty with Rome because Rome went into the Winter Wars with Italy and they were tired of war going on.


    Wednesday, May 2, 2012

    I found a new fact about WW2 .

    WW2 has started on September 1939

    By Deniz

    Monday, April 23, 2012

    by Gargi

    by Yousef

                                        Anzac biscuits

    An Anzac biscuit is a sweet biscuit popular in Australia and New Zealand, made using rolled oats, flour, desiccated coconut, sugar, butter, golden syrup, baking soda and boiling water. Anzac biscuits have long been associated with the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps ANZAC established in I. It has been claimed the biscuits were sent by wives to soldiers abroad because the ingredients do not spoil easily and the biscuits kept well during naval transportation. Today, Anzac biscuits are manufactured commercially for retail sale. Biscuits issued to soldiers by the Army, referred to as "Anzac tiles" or "Anzac wafers", differ from the popular Anzac biscuit. Anzac tiles and wafers were hard tack, a bread substitute, which had a long shelf life and was very hard.

    Catherine - Anzac biscuit

    Wednesday, March 21, 2012

    Melania's recycled dress!

    This week we were looking at how do penguins keep warm. On Tuesday there was a visitor in the school called Fuzzy.  He told us about how to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
    But in this blogpost we are talking about Melania's very nice dress.  So the dress was made by Melania's mom using paper and bubble wrap. Maja and Amani like this dress very much!!

    On Esi week, we had met 2 visitors who told us about our enviroment. One from HP and the other called Mr Fuzzy. Mr Fuzzy told us about the illetration we make and how it effects albatrosas life. He also showed us a video about this lady who care so much about the enviroment and she was also picking up illeteration on the beach. She also found stuff in the beach like: Lighter, Toothbrushes and toothpicks and plastic toys that we throw away.The lady from HP told us that HP makes their products from recycled plastic and paper and they recycle their ink catridges. And also told us that she would give prizes to those who make the best poster. The prize is a free laptop and a printer for the school. she will also give away tickets to the Masdah city. Finally all the students will have to wear eco friendly costumes for the parade.

    By Abdulrahman
    Ive had an awesome ESI week and It's been so much fun!
    With the maths investigation and the visitors!

    ESI Week

    Ryan is trying to stab me run!!!!!! We were dressed like this because it was ESI week and we had to make outfits with reycycled matierials. And we had some visitors coming to us to tell us keep the world healthy. Like Mr. Fuzzy, he told us to save the planets by the magic number 3. It means 1.Reduce 2.Reuse  3.Recycle and we put it in a song he made.
    By Cole and Mackenzie.

    ESI week in Year 5

      In ESI week we have been making recycled custumes. I also had fun by doing math investigations.We also had to find out the answer to miss Vig question and that question was which is warmer seals or penguins?                              from Rayan and Yousuf
    This picture show how much work we had put on our recycled clothes.

    This week it was ESI week, we had alot of fun. We had a maths investigation which was a bit hard. Than we got a question from Ms Vig who was in Antartica, the question was which was warmer a seal or a penguin. But we found out that none of them are warmer. It is because both seals and penguins have a fat undeneath their skin called "Blubber." We knew this because we did an experiment. We covered gone of our hand with vegetable shortening ( That will represent the blubber) and the other hand is without the vegetable shortening.Than we put our hands in the rubber gloves and we put our hands in the cold water for some minutes and we found out, that the hand with the vegetable shortening was much more warmer than the hand without it.

    We met a visitors called Mr Fuzzy he was funny and he thought us a lot about the plastic bag and recycling. He aso thought us another word "REFUSE" we also danced with the moves. We also had another visitor from HP she thought us that we should bring all the finished printer catridge and put them in a box in the learning lounge.

    We had alot of fun this week. ( Don't forget to bring the ink catridges.)
    By Maram, Maja and Joanne

    Wednesday, February 22, 2012

    Reading Revouluton Week. By Gargi,Maja,Catherine and Joanne

    This picture was taken on 23 of February.The picture was taken to see all the children in 5AM with their fabulous book characters. Three Cheers for Reading Revoulution Week!!

    We liked reading revolution week because we enjoyed the fun we had with Peter J Murray. He was alot of fun and scary, now we really want to buy his books! Who knew he could make a book out of a game, that was amazing.

    We really also enjoyed going to the book fair. We love the books we picked out. There were so many books!

    An interesting thing that happened this week was when Julia Johnson came to the school, she was fabulous. She taught us alot about the Arabian Leopard, which was really interesting.

    Gargi,Maja,Catherine and Joanne.


    on reading REVOLUTION

    On reading revolution we met Peter Murray , Julia Johnson and Fran la Bonte.  We had a great time with these 3 authors. On Thursday we needed to dress up as one  character   in a book, any character. In the parade we needed to walk around the pitch.I had fun !!!!!!! . 

    reading revolutaion

    This week was awesome because we got to meet three authors and their names were Peter Murray and Julia Johnson and Fran la Bonte.They were awesome because Peter Murray scared all of us and Julia Johnson showed us one of her books.  That book was Leopard Boy.  Fran la Bonte showed us how to make a bracelet out of a palm tree.      from rayan
    Peter was soooooooooooooo funny he should be in a comedy show and be a comedian .  Julia was very caring for animals and I loved the leopard boy story. Fran was very fun she let us make bracelets out of a palm tree leaf. I think Peter Murray was very funny  he made me laugh with all of his jokes I like this one about a boy said spongebob was different to anything else. Fran La Bonte was very kind and told us about the date palm tree. by Charlotte and Kendra. :) 

    mackenzie,tihan and cole

    Check out our awsome book day pics and look at Ryan he has the worlds biggest book!
    And now for the game spot the difference!
    And there are 13 differences try and spot them all!

    mackenzie,tihan and cole

    Monday, February 20, 2012

    The Books Rock Competition

    By: Melania Mihalcea                     Date: 20/02/2012

    What is this book about?

    There is a trilogy of the secret series. I am only going to be talking about book 1 in this review. Now, to be honest with you, this is what the author said: "To help you follow my story, I'm going to break my own rule-already!- and I'm going to give my characters names and faces. But remember these aren't their real names and faces." From this quote, I think you understood that the characters I am going to tell you about are not with their real names and faces. As it is said in the title, everything is secret. "This is a story about a secret, but it also contains a secret story," says Bosch. Now, onto a summary of what happened...
    Cassandra (or Cass) is a survivalist full of predictions of disaster. Not that she wanted them to happen, though. She also had big ears. Max- Ernest, a talkative boy driven by logic and code-breaking skills, makes friends with Cass and become collaborators when they discover The Symphony of Smells and want to know the secret behind it. They accidentally stumble upon the mystery of a dead magician's hidden diary, and the hunt of immortality.This also strongly includes Ms.Mauvais and Dr. L, the enemy that causes the mystery.
    I am sorry if that is not enough information about it, but if I want to make you read it, I don't think that including the whole story is a good idea.

    Why should you or someone else read it?

    I think that you should read it because ,first of all, I didn't tell you what it is about. Second of all, this book is filled with word games and anagrams and featuring a mysterious author, this is a book that won't stay a secret for long. Third of all, this book is A BOOK SENSE WINTER CHILDREN'S PICK, AN EDGAR AWARD NOMINEE, AN E.B WHITE AWARD NOMINEE, A NYPL BOOK FOR THE TEEN AGE, A NAPPA GOLD BOOK, AND AN ABC BOOK FOR CHILDREN. I recommend this book for the whole family. "Playful voice, engaging characters, and unusual plot...a delight to read." Even though this is a quote, this one just described the whole next paragraph I was about to do.  I strongly believe that this is one of my favorite books I have ever read. It is so great, in a way that you cannot describe in words, only have the feeling after you read it. It is so Enchanting...

    Thank You!

    The author Fran la Bonte teaching 5AM all about the date palm